
Think Tanks …  some of their roles in our lives.

Think Tank is the name given to an international Bank owned/run Institute (or other org.) that  engages in activity to further the agenda and interests of international Bankers, Multi & Trans  National companies. They have unlimited funding and are well entrenched, worldwide.  Some leading names are Tavistock, Sydney Institute, HR Nichols Society, etc. They adversely affect our lives on many fronts; from  programming the teaching of Political Correctness (“Rights” of the child, sex education etc.) into our learning institutions, to introducing policies & legislation for our Governments to emplace.

They network an army of writers & intellectuals in the community to  constantly follow up various planned populous “issues” to draw, distract and captivate the public attention away  from unsavoury real issues, policies and agenda on which Banksters (banks/gangsters) are active. These quisling  operatives can be high profile TV and journalist presenters, but large numbers are drawn from the community at large. Whether high level operatives working at  preprogrammed misinformation propaganda, psyop agiprops, “tar blacking” of key individuals or groups that are problematic to    governments or just writing misinformation to further sales for some multinational, they all, by and large, are NOT working for your best interests.  They are criminal in effect and in most cases, intent.

All this is known in the more esoteric public circles and certainly to ALL politicians. All of the above, of course, is headed up by the P.I.G. (Permanent Invisible Government), shadowy power   brokers who run Think Tanks and your life.

And because our political “System” is so deeply entrenched, any hint of opposition to the evil, is carefully managed by a compliant media and friendly “government” departments. Australia Post at the last, and previous elections, refused to distribute fliers for some Independents. At the previous elections, one man on a senate ticket in N.S.W. paid them $25,000 to post fliers. They failed to do so, and the last I heard was that they even refused to refund.

On more subtle, but fundamental ways Think Tanks create campaigns with media compliance,   moulding population ideals and thinking and furthering agenda and matters already in place  – or    preparing (conditioning) people to accept another level of chicanery.

Double standards are an integral part of this, eg. while one TV channel is telling us about our “rights” in “graded” levels of violence and inviting “reporting” of public concerns, other channels are showing blatant porn. The confusion is intentional and part of the acceptance of societal degradation. The general objective is to destroy all levels of moral standards and religion and accept uninhibited decadent behaviour as the norm.

Nothing really new here. All been done before, except not many noticed. But it IS new to a couple of generations of malleable youth, preoccupied with team & sport mentality, high fives and heaps of Americanism. So this is my little bit for my country and kids everywhere……….   More later.

Don Pike, Four Mile Beach.