All posts by Wendy

46.19 February 27th, 2014

Liberals Commit $2500 To St Marys Woodcraft Guild Inc., ‘Aware’, St Marys and Claude The Lawnmower Man, Lions Club Christmas Parade Report,  FVNH Op Shop Trips, Exciting Times For Break O’Day – Labour Party Announcements, Transmogrified,  Wrapped In St Marys Official Entry Form, AMIC, Fingal Valley Festival, Book Review, PMG Workers Way Back, Cagerattler…

The Say

by Cagerattler

It doesn’t seem too long since the last Valley Voice of  2013 but suddenly here we go again.  Like I do every year, can I just remind those who read the Voice that Cagerattler is a chance to touch on many and varied subjects. I never claim to ALWAYS do tons of research on a subject but the main object in the past decade or so is to get people talking about mostly local, but occasionally wider range subjects.

If you disagree with what I write  and you see it totally differently  then please write a reply – that’s the whole idea. I make a point of not personally attacking anyone by mentioning actions, decisions or impending decisions that affect us all. Also the opinions of this column are not necessarily those of the Valley Voice.

A few weeks ago a stupid, selfish person or persons  decided to break into the Woodcraft Guild/Men’s Shed and take much of their hard earned, integral tools and equipment and didn’t even leave a tiny amount of petty cash for day to day incidentals behind – as small an amount as it was.

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