All posts by Wendy

48.03 June 4, 2015

Netball World Cup visited St Helens, ‘I am not alone’, Follyfoot Friends, Cagerattler, Eco Fashion on show, St Helens Walking Group, Out of the Woodwork, GET report, AMIC report, FVNH trips for June/July, Meeting of Like Minds, BODRA brings the Latrobe Mad Hatter and more tie-dying, John Brown report …

48.02 May 21, 2015

New director at the St Marys Child Care Centre, Farewell to Sgt Sharmaine Ward of St Marys, Hannah Rubenach’s speech at the Medicinal Cannabis Rally in Hobart, Cagerattler, Book review, St Marys Sports and Social Centre upgrade update, Out of the Woodwork, FVNH May/June trips, Follyfoot Friends,  BODRA workshops, Meeting of Like Minds, Open Studio Trail, Suncoast Gallery news…

48.01 May 7, 2015

Targa in St Marys and Elephant Pass, ANZAC Services in Avoca and St Marys, Happy Birthday to Sister Lorraine, St Marys Streetscape, FVNH May excursions, Cagerattler, East Coast RC Flyers, AMIC newsletter, GET newsletter, Adventures in the Antipodes, BODC cat microchipping offer,  Delta Dogs in St Helens, School Events Calender, BODRA workshops, Curry Night, St Marys Community Health Centre news, Meeting of like minds, Sport and Social Centre update…