
The historical archive of print editions, converted to a downloadable format.

Please note that this is an incomplete record, and we’re adding back editions as fast as we can!

47.04 June 19th, 2014

New work for the dole scheme to be introduced in northern Tasmania, local team wins state golf title,  Cpt F J Bailey’s adventures, Cagerattler, St Marys Community Health Centre news, Robespierre, Out of the Woodwork, Some Thoughts, FVNH President’s letter, TransBOD update, Suncoast Gallery Artist of the Month, District Guide, Book Review, A Very Special Christmas Present, Lost Pets…

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47.03 June 5th, 2014

St Marys Car Show 2014, Operation Cover-up, Cagerattler, Health in Focus, St Helens Walking Group, East Coast RC Flyers, Robepierre, ‘Pearly Gates’, Dare To Be Different Part 3, sports news, school news, People Poles update, Return Thanks, Labor’s deception on regional hospitals, Spooks and Demons, Community Outreach dinner, St Marys Sport and Social Club AGM notice…

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46.23 April 24th, 2014

St Marys 128th Pacing Cup, ANZAC Day Service times, Senator Christine Milne tours Break O’Day areas, Community Transport Service receives recurrent Federal funding, Book Review,  ‘History or Mystery?’ Part 1,  ‘A Phone Rings’, AUSKICK Registration Day, St Marys Sports Centre News, Car Wash at the Fingal Valley Neighbourhood House…

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46.20 March 13th, 2014

International/local skaters in Scamander, Fingal community group  to receive financial boost, New Title problem under SMC Planning Scheme,  the Whirligigs of St Marys, Artist Of The Month, The Quick Brown Fox Jumped Over The Lazy Dog, Working Backwards To 1747, Protected Mealtimes, Liberal commitments in Break O’Day, Circle of 4 Exhibition, Cagerattler, Letters to the Editor.

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46.19 February 27th, 2014

Liberals Commit $2500 To St Marys Woodcraft Guild Inc., ‘Aware’, St Marys and Claude The Lawnmower Man, Lions Club Christmas Parade Report,  FVNH Op Shop Trips, Exciting Times For Break O’Day – Labour Party Announcements, Transmogrified,  Wrapped In St Marys Official Entry Form, AMIC, Fingal Valley Festival, Book Review, PMG Workers Way Back, Cagerattler…

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