48.01 May 7, 2015

Targa in St Marys and Elephant Pass, ANZAC Services in Avoca and St Marys, Happy Birthday to Sister Lorraine, St Marys Streetscape, FVNH May excursions, Cagerattler, East Coast RC Flyers, AMIC newsletter, GET newsletter, Adventures in the Antipodes, BODC cat microchipping offer,  Delta Dogs in St Helens, School Events Calender, BODRA workshops, Curry Night, St Marys Community Health Centre news, Meeting of like minds, Sport and Social Centre update…

47.22 April 9th, 2015

NBN rollout in Lyons,  Cagerattler,  Healthy House Walking Group, Cat Management – Declared areas, TasNetworks Safety in Schools program,  Suncoast Gallery news, tough Aussies in California, St Marys Markets update, ‘The Dogs of War’, Sleep Disorder Tasmania session, Healthy Eating for Diabetics, ‘Argonaut’ Annual Assessment, ‘North of the Sun’ free movie night, The Earth Tremor, Out of the Woodwork…

47.21 March 26th, 2015

Mobile Breastscreen Unit back in the Fingal Valley, Circle of 4 Exhibition, Letters to the Editor, Open Letter from Peter and Beverley Rubenach, Break O’Day Multi-purpose Stadium Stage 1 update, Cagerattler, Anzac Memorial in Avoca, Follyfoot Friends, AMIC update, GET update, St Marys District School calendar, Singing for health, Community Cat Forum and Declared areas, Sport and Social Centre update…

Online/hardcopy advertising

The 2018 advertising rates for the Valley and East Coast Voice Inc. hardcopy are as follows:

  • Full page $65
  • Half page $40
  • Quarter page $25
  • Intermediate $18
  • Business card $15

Private for sale ads are free for one edition.  Ads after this can be placed for $5 for two lines.

Community group announcements up to 5 lines or business card size are free, anything larger will be charged at 50% of current rates.

Articles for publication may be dropped into Fingal Valley Neighbourhood House, emailed, posted or left with the friendly people at the St Marys Pharmacy.

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03 6374 2344

PO Box 322 Fingal Tasmania 7214

Serving the East Coast and Fingal Valley areas since 1968