47.09 August 28th, 2014

Cave art and science, CWA backs legalised marijuana for the terminally ill, The Falling of the Mighty Ones, Will welfare changes drag $78m from Tasmanian economy?,  Jam and Joy Combo coming up, ‘Peril in Prague’, Candidates for BODC , St Helens Neighbourhood House Junior Winter Ball, Cagerattler goes off, The worst children’s book ever?,  An introduction to the St Marys Sports and Social Club…

47.08 August 14th, 2014

Wrapped in St Marys and Cosiest Mug winners, wind damage in St Marys, BODC dog policy review, Textile Art workshop photos, Refugee welcome zone, Tim’s story, Cagerattler, ‘A Piece of Paper’, Book review, Out of the Woodwork, St Marys Sports and Social Club news, St Marys Child Care Centre update, BOD Stitchers news, Suncoast Gallery news, St Helens Walking Group news…

Serving the East Coast and Fingal Valley areas since 1968