Tag Archives: 2013

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor

I was very pleased to see nearly 40 people come to  St Marys Town hall on 10th November for the screening of  “Mary Meets Mohammad”. It was a great opportunity for people to become more educated on the asylum seeker issue occurring in Australia at the moment.  Did you know Australia is the only western nation that has mandatory indefinite detention for asylum seekers arriving by boat?  Did you know Australia receives only 0.3% of the world’s refugees?  Did you know that it costs $450,000 a year to detain someone on Nauru or Manus Island, but only about $30,000 a year if they were  allowed to live in the  community while being processed?

Many thanks to Melanie Norton and her wonderful team from the Salvation Army (Don and Stuart) for providing the electronic equipment for the screening, and thanks to the lovely ladies (I believe it was Michelle, Brittany and Wendy) who helped set up the chairs.  Also, thanks to the Break O’Day Council for providing a fee waiver for the hire of the hall.  Several people have suggested a local group should be formed that could find ways to encourage asylum seekers to come to our area – anyone interested?

Remember, it is not illegal to seek asylum, even if arriving by boat.

Hannah Rubenach, St Marys.

The Say

By Cagerattler…

I try to look at things half full not half empty but I think two things need to be prioritised in the beautiful valley we live in. Both are   related to local government – Streetscape and Camping Grounds (not forgetting Fingal). GET ON WITH IT!

It’s annoying when things stall, even if only  temporarily, but after all the work done by a dedicated crew of  locals and  Councillors it seems that it’ll be a while yet before much more happens on the Streetscape in particular…Is it all to do with the row over parallel/angle parking or sufficient funding?  Time is ticking people…We have major investment happening in the valley over the next few years through mining and tourism, and we need this to be reflected in the continual upgrading of the towns most concerned, Fingal and St Marys, not down the coast somewhere.  I’d love a representative from Council to come out and say that the projects  involved in Streetscape are still well and truly going to happen and that Fingal will not be forgotten either…let’s hear it!

With the Camping Area improvements at the Recreation Ground over recent years the Council should take a lot of credit, well deserved for what we all knew was going to be a winner. There’s still an awful lot to consider and do over there, and these issues can’t be left forever; small steps can lead to huge leaps.  Surely the same applies to  Streetscape? Recently the Campervan people revisited and were catered for  fantastically by the St Marys Sports Centre, which was great for their profile.  It was a terrific weekend all round…this is how it can be done and now it’s time for Council to look at the ‘big picture’ for our valley towns and market and accommodate for needs accordingly.  After all isn’t that what  they’re supposed to be doing anyway…?

What do you think? Rod McGiveron.

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor.

I have read and re-read Cagerattler’s article in the Valley Voice (Nov.7th) regarding the proposed streetscape plans for St. Marys, and his sentiments seem to be at odds with those of the majority of St. Marys’ residents and shopkeepers in particular. I was under the impression that very few, if anyone, actually desired the plan to go ahead mainly because of the drastic loss of car parking spaces that would be involved. So is Cagerattler backing this proposal or have I misunderstood him? Certainly the ‘steps’ between pavement and roadway at the front of the shops could do with modification to improve safety, but to my mind the rest of the proposal is totally unnecessary and would have been a waste of money – our money.

Also, it would be refreshing to be able to read something akin to Cagerattler’s previous topics, without referring once again to the Elections.   It is bad enough now having to hear all the hype regarding the forthcoming State elections, without back-tracking to the Federal result whether it is to our liking or not.

Sorry Cagerattler, but that is what I think.

Toni Brewster, Chain of Lagoons.

The Say

By Cagerattler

You all know the esteem or lack thereof in which I hold most politicians these days and at the risk of offending a few                people it serves ourselves right for what we’ve finished up with after the most recent Federal election.

What a comment the PM made the other day suggesting that the Afghanistan war was ‘worth it’…

So it was worth it to see many of our diggers either killed or permanently injured, never to have families of their own or to live normal lives … so that not too long after the last of our blokes leave, this insurgent-infiltrated corrupt country will regress to not much better than it was before. Afghanistan is a place steeped in conflict, tribal warfare, warlords, Taliban, persecution of women and Islamic extremists with no concept of the value of life and if you think there will be any real semblance of lasting peace after our troops are gone you are either stupid, idealistic or plain naïve. The despots in that third world country will rule again in time and I wonder when that happens if our leaders will continue to say it was worth it … I think not.

There’s rumblings out there I’ve heard of late about the seeming curtailing of the Streetscape … many are not happy that the plan is not going on as quickly as it should and no-one in the know is giving a lot away on the subject.

The next couple of years – with the beginning of the new mining ventures and solid real estate tradings – would be the perfect time to really get St Marys and Fingal in particular going. Maybe the councillors representing the area can start jumping a few bones on the ‘bean counter’ ranks and free up a few bucks to get at least some progress in this area…the time is nigh!

What do you think? Rod McGiveron.

The Say

By Cagerattler

A few weeks ago I was talking to a person who was for a time quite heavily involved in the St Marys Streetscape. He was concerned that the Streetscape may well be delayed further. I hope that this doesn’t mean that it will NEVER happen – that would be a terrible thing. Small towns like ours need to not be forgotten and over the years, not just here of course, but in lots of small communities things get put on the backburner.

The Streetscape goes back quite a way. Without researching dates and so on I’d suggest 15-20 years since the first design plan was done by a dedicated group of locals and a group of young planners from Hobart. The SMACD  (St Marys Association for Community Development) team and the town planners of those days created what most people thought was a plan that would enhance this town as a place where people would not just want to ‘pass through’ but would be a place to “go to” or “stop at”.  Whilst a few improvements have been made here and there, the overall nuts and bolts of the original Streetscape or the more recent Streetscape concepts have not been implemented.

One of the major sticking points for any of it to work is of course  the issues and red tape over car parking. The age old debate over angle or otherwise types of parking cars has to have a direct bearing on whether any street improvement plan can go ahead. I wonder if we could resolve such a sticky issue for the greater good or if in five years’ time we will still be arguing over the same matters and wondering too if any street improvement plan, to make this 156 year old town a more attractive place, will still be under debate.

I also hope that someone from Council would like to fill us in on the current status of the Streetscape – whether it’s scheduled, delayed, scrapped or otherwise… Gee it’d be nice to know wouldn’t it?

One other quick mention…To the idiots who once again dumped their rubbish in the bush rather than putting it in the skip bin or spending a couple of bucks at the tip…SHAME ON YOU.  I can’t believe how stupid and thoughtless you are. I’ve seen two glaring examples of fresh rubbish being dumped around the Mt Nicholas tracks in the past couple of weeks and I hope one day you get caught and fined if you keep doing it.


What do you think ? Rod McGiveron.


Spooky, possums …

The world abounds with stories of the supernatural, but I guess not to the same extent in the context with animals.  Typically, there was a story in Bernard O’Reilly’s books – Cullenbenbong and Green Mountains (ghost story aside, both are fascinating, very exciting, true story reads). Even though both books deal with rural life – Cullenbenbong on the western side of the Blue Mountains in NSW, and Green Mountains in the hinterland of QLD’s Gold Coast – they can be described as pioneer experiences. Experiencing life in virgin settlements and living alongside aboriginals in both places the O’Reillys learnt a lot about the  spirituality and mysteries of different tribes. On the Gold Coast mountain plateau (1,300 m) the O’Reillys had to kill numerous poisonous snakes (Black Mamba, I seem to remember) in order to build a cabin. The best access in their first months was via a steep and dangerous track. They had heard that there had been a murder on this track and it was haunted, then discovered it was true. Their horse, pulling a cart or sulky would baulk at a certain point and refuse to continue. Only by careful coaxing with the driver walking and holding the bridle would the horse go past the haunted spot.

Closer to home, a neighbour here on the east coast told us of an episode at his place many years back where he heard running foot falls and voices, and could put the incident down to a certain aborigine being chased by the “Traps” (police) in Tassie’s early days.

Around four years ago we had to put our 18 year old cat, Minnie, to sleep at the vets. The Vet had asked did we want to collect the body. Consistent with our disregard for cemeteries and monuments etc. and that old Min was in our hearts where it counted, we declined. Some weeks to months later, I was sitting in our lounge room, just near an archway entrance from the hall, and reading something. I noticed our 17 year old dog Mishka arrive from the hall and stop in mid stride just near me, but staring straight ahead.

Then, still staring fixedly ahead she took a couple of  measured steps and went into Point (like a gun dog, muzzle level and stretched forward, tail raised and level) – and commenced a low growl rumbling up from the throat. I said, “What’s the matter old girl”? – realising she was staring at a vision of old Min, because where she was   focusing was where my wife used to have a small rug for old Min’s favourite place right at the end of the settee. As I slowly stood up Mishka barked, and I said “It’s all right old girl, it’s only old Min come to visit”. Instantly, the dog relaxed as the vision must have disappeared. Strange, first feeling when I realised what was happening was a numbing moment of the blood freezing as they say, but shortly after, one of pleasant surprise.

Made me think further on the reverence that people all over the world have for their childhood home. The bond with where they spent their childhood and where they grew up. What made the spirit of the old cat visit? Did I do the wrong thing in not collecting the body and taking it home? I’ve heard bible studying religionists say that such visitations are of the Devil and are brought on by people who delve in mysticism, tarot readings etc. (which I suspect  in part, is true). But we don’t do any of that and I was preoccupied with some reading matter at the time. The dog, not me, was shown the  vision. A few years later, we made sure Princess the other (14 years old) cat and 17 years old Mishka were planted out the back. All our pets, as in heaps of homes, are extended family. Pets get to know their owners as only the owners know them and the bond is strong, is it not?

Don Pike, Four Mile Creek.