Tag Archives: 2014

Puppetry workshop

The Fingal Valley Neighbourhood House Inc is holding a puppetry workshop on April 24th at 10a.m.   Bring along your children and be prepared to have a hands-on fun-filled session, helping your child experience, watch and make their own puppets.

This show is presented by pelicanpuppets.com.au and is offered through FVNH at a great price of $10 per family. Mums and dads are encouraged to attend.

Please phone 6374 2344 to book.

ANZAC Day 2014 Ceremonies in the Fingal Valley

The  Fingal RSL Sub Branch.  A Dawn Service at 6a.m. (gather at 5.45) will be held at the Mathinna Cenotaph and will be conducted by retired RSL State President Chris Mundy and Father John Denman.  A  gunfire breakfast will follow at the Mathinna Club.  An 11.00 Service (gather at 10.45)  will be held at the Fingal Cenotaph and will be conducted by retired RSL State President Chris Mundy and Father John Denman.  Lunch at Chrissy’s Bistro to follow. Large crowds expected – all welcome.

The Northern Midlands R&SLA Sub Branch.  The 11a.m. service will be held at the Cenotaph, Boucher Park Avoca. This will be followed by a venison spit roast lunch.

The St Marys Memorial Services Association.  A 6a.m. Dawn Service will be held at the St Marys Town Hall, followed by a Gunfire Breakfast.  The 11a.m. Service will be held at the Cornwall Community Hall.


Singers wanted…

The Chocolate Shop Singers need more singers. We meet Thursday 5pm at Lizzie’s Mt Elephant Fudge shop and sing, chat and laugh ‘til 7.  We sing a capella in many languages (some unknown) and have performed at local and regional events for over 10 years.

We are not professional singers – most of us can’t read music – so don’t be reluctant to join because you think you may not be suitable.

Our esteemed leader Isabel still has a full head of hair,      seemingly unlimited patience and a basketful of magic.

Anyone can sing, and it’s fun and rewarding learning to do so.

Launceston Country Club Casino bus trip

The Fingal Valley Neighbourhood House Inc has organised a trip to the Launceston Country Club Casino on Thursday May 1st 2014

Have a nice affordable meal at the water garden and a flutter if you want

Bus fare: $15 pp (does not include meal) The FVNH Commuter Bus will leave at 5.30pm. If you are interested in going on this trip call into the office or phone 6374 2344 to book your seat.

The Say

by Cagerattler

I’ve resisted the temptation until now to mention the Tasmanian Election but…regarding the Regional Forestry Agreement  surely the new government won’t cancel the whole thing after the mountain of work it took to reach an agreement. That would be an insult to everyone involved on both sides. This agreement required some fairly major concessions on both sides  and whilst not perfect by any means (the stated opinion of the various groups involved) it is as good as it can be.

Why do you think that a ‘mandate’ exists to pull apart this.  The election result was probably a result of many things, not just the RFA, and to use the mandate excuse is presumptuous at the very least.

I already know this new mob will struggle to implement many of their promises in the timeframes they suggest but this Forestry deal is extremely complex and difficult, and to say they will throw it out before there’s been any chance of seeing what might happen is pretty short sighted.

It deserves some sort of consideration surely. We’ll wait and see what happens next.

On a local matter… Now that the bottom reservoir is drained for safety reasons (apparently a gushing issue as a good friend was told) would someone from TasWater please put up more safety fencing. There is a very rickety walkway, a pretty steep drop and other matters there;  whilst it’s being repaired it could be a risk to small   children or pets especially. I only ask  because I know that any potential risk needs to be  identified. I hope TasWater can attend to this sooner rather than later as it would probably be considered a workplace and new regulations are pretty  uncompromising in workplaces these days.

What do you think? Rod McGiveron