Tag Archives: Community

Launceston Country Club Casino bus trip

The Fingal Valley Neighbourhood House Inc has organised a trip to the Launceston Country Club Casino on Thursday May 1st 2014

Have a nice affordable meal at the water garden and a flutter if you want

Bus fare: $15 pp (does not include meal) The FVNH Commuter Bus will leave at 5.30pm. If you are interested in going on this trip call into the office or phone 6374 2344 to book your seat.

46.21 March 27th, 2014

Skyline Tier Project launch, Trivia Night at the St Marys Sports and Social Centre, ‘A Red Flag in Front of a Bull’, Break O’Day Jane Austen Festival, Break O’Day Regional Arts Workshops, ‘Faust’,  LINC 26TEN award winners, ABC Northern Tasmania broadcasts from St Marys, Cagerattler, Out Of The Woodwork…

Falmouth’s on sale!

Easter Monday  21st April 2014 8am ~ 3pm

The Falmouth Community is “on sale”.  Any property that displays balloons is taking part in this Garage Sale Extravaganza!  Come to Falmouth on Easter  Monday and grab a bargain!

The Blue Cave Café will also be open at the Falmouth  Community Centre with  delicacies for all to  enjoy!

What’s happening in your backyard?

Skyline Tier Project Launch

All welcome

6pm Tuesday 8th April

Scamander Sports Community Complex

1 Old Coach Rd, Scamander

The Scamander Pine Plantation at Skyline Tier covers a total area of 2160 ha.  Since July 2007 the Northeast Bioregional Network has been  restoring the site by promoting native vegetation regeneration.

Environment Tasmania is project managing the continuation of this work with funding from the Australian Government.

Come and learn more about this unique and significant project. Refreshments provided.

For more information contact:

[email protected]  0429 216 730

Todd Dudley 6376 1049

The Say

by Cagerattler

Isn’t it great to see the Recreation Ground Camping area getting used how we hoped it would.  It has to be good for the local businesses too.

The other night I was over there walking my dogs and got talking to one of the campers. He reckoned that he’d been travelling for many years and we were one of the most accommodating, friendly and best places he’d come across. The best part for me though was that most of our secret is word of mouth because campers talk to other campers. Isn’t that fantastic?

That’s the good news.  Now, Council… What about looking at establishing areas designated for backpacking campers too? Some do this anyway but the original idea was to have a sheltered area set aside to let the ‘tenters’ have a nice spot to pitch the ol’ tepee or wigwam… That’d be awesome and continue the good work already done, first by the original steering group and later by Council.  Establishing something that we can be really proud of.  This leads me to an associated issue…

The Streetscape – has it been thrown into the too-hard basket, deferred, cancelled or something in between? What’s the problem? If it’s good enough to find the money for a proposed new hospital site for St Helens (which I do think is needed but could be several years away) why not start work in St Marys, Fingal and other places? Funds were supposed to be set aside when the Council  initially agreed to improve infrastructure, quite a few years ago now. Quite frankly, Mayor and Council, it’s about time that at the very least a bit of good forward  action or plan could be made known to us all.

I wonder if the sticking point is the parking issue? MAKE A DECISION EITHER WAY ON THAT…and the rest of us will get used to the end result and accept it. It’s that simple.

It’s about time for someone to say or do something, otherwise five years down the track we’ll still be talking about it…It can be done. Look at the Recreation Ground utilisation as a great example…IT DOES WORK.

What do you think? Rod McGiveron

46.20 March 13th, 2014

International/local skaters in Scamander, Fingal community group  to receive financial boost, New Title problem under SMC Planning Scheme,  the Whirligigs of St Marys, Artist Of The Month, The Quick Brown Fox Jumped Over The Lazy Dog, Working Backwards To 1747, Protected Mealtimes, Liberal commitments in Break O’Day, Circle of 4 Exhibition, Cagerattler, Letters to the Editor.

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor,

I have lived in St Marys for the past 14 years and have always walked up Richardsons Road past the recently drained dam.  I understand the dam was drained because of one complaint to TasWater that the water was gushing down the creek.  I have never seen the creek gushing! I rang TasWater, then the Council, and was told that a platypus put a hole in the structure. It’s concrete! Maybe I am wrong but I find this ridiculous. The Council told me they won’t reconsider refilling the dam till they know the structure is sound.

So are we indefinitely left with this dangerous smelly eyesore? And of course no one considered the poor animals and birdlife that drink and live at the dam.

Kate Almond, St Marys