Tag Archives: History

47.14 November 6th, 2014

The Pathways to Prosperity Roadshow, Blessing of the Fleet, BODC AGM notice, St Helens/St Marys Community Bank update, Letters to the Editor, AMIC newsletter, GET newsletter, St Marys District School newsletter, RC East Coast Flyers newsletter, St Marys Cricket Club update, St Marys Pacing Club update, St Marys Sports and Social Club update, Cagerattler…

47.07 July 31st, 2014

FOV/Unplugged in St Marys, Vale Ross Bean, Letters to the Editor, Facts on cannabis trials, recently completed Council projects, open letter to Tony Abbott, Relay For Life, Win an iPod Touch, St Helens History Room, East Coast RC Flyers news, Sourdough breakmaking workshop, O’Shaunssey’s Wake, Cagerattler,

47.04 June 19th, 2014

New work for the dole scheme to be introduced in northern Tasmania, local team wins state golf title,  Cpt F J Bailey’s adventures, Cagerattler, St Marys Community Health Centre news, Robespierre, Out of the Woodwork, Some Thoughts, FVNH President’s letter, TransBOD update, Suncoast Gallery Artist of the Month, District Guide, Book Review, A Very Special Christmas Present, Lost Pets…

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor.

As the war propaganda machine went into top gear this past ANZAC week (and ongoing, no doubt) teaching our kids the ‘necessity’ and ‘justification’ of war with the saturation of war movies, personal anecdotes, commentaries and all the other paraphernalia that governments orchestrate when they want war support from the people they are supposed to be protecting – I went  further and further into despair.

Lately, it was like living it all again –  just like all I’ve been reading about and experiencing all my life. Like the deceit all over Europe that was confronting the masses, while Wall Street financed Hitler (a drop in the bucket). Continue reading

47.01 May 8th, 2014

ANZAC Day Services at St Marys, Cornwall and Avoca, Mayor Sarah Schmerl to retire at next Council election, Cagerattler, St Marys People Poles update, Bay of Fires Winter Arts Festival film schedule, History or Mystery Part 2, Dare to be Different Part 1, East Coast RC Flyers, St Marys Pacing Club update, I Dream of Djinni…

46.23 April 24th, 2014

St Marys 128th Pacing Cup, ANZAC Day Service times, Senator Christine Milne tours Break O’Day areas, Community Transport Service receives recurrent Federal funding, Book Review,  ‘History or Mystery?’ Part 1,  ‘A Phone Rings’, AUSKICK Registration Day, St Marys Sports Centre News, Car Wash at the Fingal Valley Neighbourhood House…