Tag Archives: opinion

47.03 June 5th, 2014

St Marys Car Show 2014, Operation Cover-up, Cagerattler, Health in Focus, St Helens Walking Group, East Coast RC Flyers, Robepierre, ‘Pearly Gates’, Dare To Be Different Part 3, sports news, school news, People Poles update, Return Thanks, Labor’s deception on regional hospitals, Spooks and Demons, Community Outreach dinner, St Marys Sport and Social Club AGM notice…

The Say

By Cagerattler

Here we go – I knew this would happen.

This “We have a mandate” Federal Government is about to impose an unheralded levy and other measures on us, which will really hurt many low/single income families.  One percent of say $40,000 is $400; for so many people amounts like that may well wipe out a small tax refund needed for helping with something vital. Continue reading

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor

I would like to add my two bob to the Richardson Road Reservoir debate.

I have been a keen observer of the reservoir over the past ten years by way of its capacity to reduce nagging to a tolerable level. Grab the fishing rod and a couple of stubbies and watch the float jiggle as the trout play with the hook while surrounded by an absolute Tasmanian  diamond. I sat on the wall one day while a platypus and  two pups swam at my feet. I blinked, they crash dived and came up for air about 30 meters away. Continue reading

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor.

As the war propaganda machine went into top gear this past ANZAC week (and ongoing, no doubt) teaching our kids the ‘necessity’ and ‘justification’ of war with the saturation of war movies, personal anecdotes, commentaries and all the other paraphernalia that governments orchestrate when they want war support from the people they are supposed to be protecting – I went  further and further into despair.

Lately, it was like living it all again –  just like all I’ve been reading about and experiencing all my life. Like the deceit all over Europe that was confronting the masses, while Wall Street financed Hitler (a drop in the bucket). Continue reading

47.01 May 8th, 2014

ANZAC Day Services at St Marys, Cornwall and Avoca, Mayor Sarah Schmerl to retire at next Council election, Cagerattler, St Marys People Poles update, Bay of Fires Winter Arts Festival film schedule, History or Mystery Part 2, Dare to be Different Part 1, East Coast RC Flyers, St Marys Pacing Club update, I Dream of Djinni…

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor,

The Cornwall Community Development Group put in a request to the committee of the St Marys Memorial Services Association asking if we would collaborate with them to commemorate A.N.Z.A.C Day Services.  It was put forward for discussion and all members were in agreement.  It was decided to alternate the dawn and 11am service each year.  Therefore, on the 25th April St Marys will hold the Dawn Service starting at 6am followed by a Gunfire Breakfast. Cornwall will hold the 11am Service.

Next year St Marys will perform the 11am and Cornwall the 6am.  We hope that this partnership will be met favourably by the community so we can all come together to remember our fallen.

Lest we forget.

Wendy Brennan, for and on behalf of the St Marys Memorial Services Association

The Say

by Cagerattler

I’ve resisted the temptation until now to mention the Tasmanian Election but…regarding the Regional Forestry Agreement  surely the new government won’t cancel the whole thing after the mountain of work it took to reach an agreement. That would be an insult to everyone involved on both sides. This agreement required some fairly major concessions on both sides  and whilst not perfect by any means (the stated opinion of the various groups involved) it is as good as it can be.

Why do you think that a ‘mandate’ exists to pull apart this.  The election result was probably a result of many things, not just the RFA, and to use the mandate excuse is presumptuous at the very least.

I already know this new mob will struggle to implement many of their promises in the timeframes they suggest but this Forestry deal is extremely complex and difficult, and to say they will throw it out before there’s been any chance of seeing what might happen is pretty short sighted.

It deserves some sort of consideration surely. We’ll wait and see what happens next.

On a local matter… Now that the bottom reservoir is drained for safety reasons (apparently a gushing issue as a good friend was told) would someone from TasWater please put up more safety fencing. There is a very rickety walkway, a pretty steep drop and other matters there;  whilst it’s being repaired it could be a risk to small   children or pets especially. I only ask  because I know that any potential risk needs to be  identified. I hope TasWater can attend to this sooner rather than later as it would probably be considered a workplace and new regulations are pretty  uncompromising in workplaces these days.

What do you think? Rod McGiveron

46.21 March 27th, 2014

Skyline Tier Project launch, Trivia Night at the St Marys Sports and Social Centre, ‘A Red Flag in Front of a Bull’, Break O’Day Jane Austen Festival, Break O’Day Regional Arts Workshops, ‘Faust’,  LINC 26TEN award winners, ABC Northern Tasmania broadcasts from St Marys, Cagerattler, Out Of The Woodwork…